It's all about Rare Records

We are RareProgPsych
The place for everything related to records from the very best period of the progressive and psychedelic music scene during the late 60’s and 70’s of the 20th century. This outstanding period from 1967 till 1975 of great bands and musicianship is best known as “The Golden Era of progressive rock”.
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We started this website for the love of the music and to connect with the vinyl community all over the globe, sharing the same love for rare vinyl that was made more than 50 years ago!
We love to share our passion
It’s our main objective to create a place on the internet where you can find all kind of accurate information about rare records, and where you can find your own copies of records you have been searching for so long.
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What makes us unique?
- The focus of RareProgPsych lies mostly on rare original pressing vinyl records from the obscure 60’s and 70’s Golden Era.
- We brought new life to the legendary website.
- We buy, sell and trade rare vinyl records with a unique personal approach.
- You can sell your rare vinyl to us! It is our goal to find the best possible buyer for your records.
- Records in our webshop will be promoted through social media and our circle of contacts to find the best buyer who is looking for the best record for his or her collection.
- We have specific knowledge about the records, pressings and labels to provide you with the best possible information for selling or buying in our shop.
- Can’t find the record you have been looking for, for so many years? Contact us and we start an intensive search for you.